Natalie Portman was born in Israel on June 9, 1981, 3:42 PM. Her sun is in versatile Gemini and her Moon in hard working Virgo, withy a midheaven in movie making Leo. She has a dark scorpio ascendent that aligns with her role in the Black Swan, a challenging role as a gay woman dancer for which she seems ready to win the Oscar.

Her sol sun is 7 Taurus, another in the many who align with the degree of Southern California and Hollywood. She has a sol moon at 9 cancer, giving her many feminine qualities. She has sol rising in Aquarius as a public figure and actress, and her sol midheaven is 8 Sagittarius, as a person who will travel far and wide in her life. Natalie saw the sun reaches her cancer sol moon in 2008 as a number of important roles came her way. Natalie also has her sol rise form a career peak at age 32 (in 2012) and midheaven of career to her moon at age 33, with Sol to Moon at age 42. Later her rising reaches her midheaven around age 51 and sun to sol moon at age 60 also predicting many exciting roles and awards ahead of her.

Sun: 18°37' Gemini Moon: 19°39' Virgo Ascendant: 11°19' Scorpio Midheaven: 16°08' Léo Metal Rooster Birthpath 7 (info -
