JULY 22, 2009 - The Eclipse is said to bring critical events. But we also see it has the effects we already see previously. The Path crosses India and China, the world's most populated areas. Therefore, pollution in Beijing and crowds in India marred the view. These are the human conditions on Earth. The natural events following are not all eclipsed by cosmic cause, yet there are always relations of events in our world.

Astrologers suggest the Eclipse affects the period of up to 90 days after. I do suspect rains in India, and Caribbean storms, but we shall see. The report the Eclipse was viewed longer in duration than any may mark some longer effect, but as example, other eclipses have not been so profound, and a report of Saturn in Virgo (sidereal Libra) brings war is not always the case, 1980 and 1922 being recent examples. Of 1951, (Korean) was a small war, not major. The Oil Gold price went up
high in 1979. The exaggerations come, but they may not hold up to fears
in the predictions.

We do still notice the events just our currents of the middle east and terrorism continues, as recent events in Indonesia are in line with this, yet, it is much of the same general human motions, albeit not happy ones, and the price of evolution of mankind to learn itself.

The key figure is the eclipse at 29 cancer- 29 capricorn (feeling and purpose)
and the opposition to the to the Moon's node at 0 Aquarius, south node at 0 Leo. (humanity and pride, universalism and ego) This relates to 119-120 degrees and 61-60 east or west longitude. The areas of 60 are Caribbean and Beijing China is near 120.
60 is the border of Iran and Afghanistan, and 120 is California, and all these have already had their share of challenges. Saturn in Virgo has been places over California's sun and surely related to that state's economic and the translation of an American Icon, Prince Michael.

Places and people strong in Leo/Cancer cusp, like Robin Williams who had surgery, or Aquarius/Capricorn persons might be for either future or had recent past effects.
Let it be known, an eclipse which symbolizes identity, as a natural identifiable event, may be positive, for example with Robin Williams coming out of his surgery, fit and well. There is always reason to see the good even in trouble, how it may make us stronger, clearer, or able, and learning more.

Best to all; Pan
